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Verso 1
Come Thou fount of every blessingTune my heart to sing Thy graceStreams of mercy never ceasingCall for songs of loudest praiseTeach me some melodious sonnetSung by flaming tongues abovePraise the mount I'm fixed upon itMount of Thy redeeming love
Tag 1
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon itMount of Thy redeeming love
Verso 2
Oh to grace how great a debtorDaily I'm constrained to beLet Thy goodness like a fetterBind my wandering heart to TheeProne to wander Lord I feel itProne to leave the God I loveHere's my heart Lord take and seal itSeal it for Thy courts above
Tag 2
Here's my heart Lord take and seal itSeal it for Thy courts above
Daughters and sons daughters and sonsSurrender to Him surrender to HisUnfailing love unfailing loveHallelujah hallelujah
Tag 3
Daughters and sons daughters and sonsHallelujah hallelujah
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