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A Father's Blessing Por Benjamin William Hastings

A Father's Blessing

Benjamin William Hastings - Benjamin William Hastings

V1Verso 1
C1Coro 1
V2Verso 2
C2Coro 2
V3Verso 3
C3Coro 3
Grabación Original

Mezclas creadas a partir de la grabación original. Disponibles en {0} tonos con mezclas Aumentadas y Disminuidas para cada parte más la canción original.
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Verso 1

Ah look at you kid
You're growing up quick
And I can't seem to tell you to slow
There'll soon come a day
And it scares me to death
When you tell me
You're ready to go
And now you're quick as a whip
With your hands on your hips
Only eyes that could rival your mom's
And so proudly I'll watch you
Make the world better off
So my prayer is
Wherever you go

Coro 1

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind blow where you lead
May the sun shine on your face
While the rain falls on your fields
May the world lie down before you
May you be all you can be
But may all those roads you roam
Wind home to me

Verso 2

And I'll be at your games
'Cause my folks did the same
And I'll pour your first glass of Bordeaux
Watch me ruin your palate for anything else
So in your youth
You can't afford to get drunk
And oh there's lips to be kissed
And there's ones to missed
And you won't keep my two cents for long
So you'll make your mistakes
Like your Ma and Da did
Until one day you stumble on love

Coro 2

So may the Lord be kind to keep you
And may the devil fear your reach
May your pockets fill with gold
And yet your heart be void of greed
May the darkness bow before you
May you find the light you seek
May all those roads you roam wind home to me

Verso 3

Listen up kid I love you to bits
And I wish life would learn to be slow
There'll soon come a day
And God I hope I'm well aged
When I tell you it's my turn to go
And death's cruel I'll admit
But mourn for me quick
And look after those kids of your own
And just make different mistakes
Than your Ma and Da made
And make our ceiling
Look like your floor

Coro 3

So may the road rise up to meet you
May your laughter fill the streets
May your children be as kind to you
As you have been to me
And when your life's been lived for all it's worth
And your grandkids let you leave
May all those roads you roam
Wind home to me


May all those roads you roam
Wind home to me


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