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While I'm In The Wind Por Benjamin William Hastings

While I'm In The Wind

Benjamin William Hastings - Benjamin William Hastings

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
Grabación Original

Mezclas creadas a partir de la grabación original. Disponibles en {0} tonos con mezclas Aumentadas y Disminuidas para cada parte más la canción original.
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Verso 1

I've got this fear
Inside it's crippling
That you'll think more about
The times we didn't spend
And you might cherish
The photos I'm not in
Or think back to a
Childhood that I missed
You dropped me
Off at LAX
Your mother said
You cried in the car again
So I'm standing there
At the baggage desk
But I've got more in my heart
Than I could afford to check in
Be back till Thursday then I'll jet
And for a little mind it makes no sense
Why I rarely tuck you into bed
And I wish that I did but


I hope you understand someday
I hope you understand someday

Verso 2

I think back to the day
Wh?n you turned three
I was off writing songs in the OC
In a dark room
Twelv? thousand miles away
Just to pay for the candles
On your cake
So I hope that when
You're twenty-three
It's not me that fills your therapy
Did I build you a house
When you wanted a home
Where no one says Daddy don't go


I hope you understand someday
That what I did I did for you
I hope you understand someday
I only did the best I could
And I know I probably made mistakes
Probably worked harder than I should
But I hope you understand someday
What I did I did for you


So what is it about airplanes
That feels so emotional
I'm sitting here in a chair that's
Too small and a heart that can't hold it all
And the thought that this might
Not be worth what it costs us
Will land in my tear
Ducts in about three gin and tonics
It's when the tooth fairy calls
Or the school plays that I missed
And the prayers before bed
I'll regret that I never said
And the fights the first steps
The five a.m. kiss
All the gold's in the dirt


While I'm in the wind


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