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I've Witnessed It (Unplugged) Por Passion

I've Witnessed It (Unplugged)

Passion - I've Witnessed It

V1Verse 1
V2Verse 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V3Verse 3
V4Verse 4
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
B3Bridge 3
B4Bridge 4
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Faithfulness Life Praise Resurrection Savior Worthiness
Acoustic Female Lead
Austin Davis, Andrew Holt, Melodie Malone
Six Steps Records
Referencia Bíblica:
John 3:11
Isaiah 43:10


Verse 1

When I was lost and all alone
Your presence was where I found home
You were there
And You're here right now

Verse 2

In every high and every low
You never left me without hope
You were good
And You're good right now

Chorus 1

I've witnessed Your faithfulness
I've seen You breathe life within
So I'll pour out my praise again
You're worthy
God You're worthy of all of it

Chorus 2

Your promises never fail
I've got stories I'll live to tell
So I'll pour out my praise again
You're worthy
God You're worthy of all of it

Verse 3

You left the throne
And chose the cross
Laid down Your life to rescue us
The Savior then the Savior now

Verse 4

But even death
Was not the end
You conquered hell
So I could live
Resurrecting then
Resurrecting now


Resurrecting then
Resurrecting now

Chorus 1

I've witnessed Your faithfulness
I've seen You breathe life within
So I'll pour out my praise again
You're worthy
God You're worthy of all of it

Chorus 2

Your promises never fail
I've got stories I'll live to tell
So I'll pour out my praise again
You're worthy
God You're worthy of all of it

Bridge 1

You're good and I've witnessed it
You're strong and I've witnessed it
You're constant I've witnessed it
And I'm confident
I'll see it again and again

Bridge 2

You love and I've witnessed it
You heal and I've witnessed it
You save and I've witnessed it
And I'm confident
I'll see it again and again

Chorus 1

I've witnessed Your faithfulness
I've seen You breathe life within
So I'll pour out my praise again
You're worthy
God You're worthy of all of it

Chorus 2

Your promises never fail
I've got stories I'll live to tell
So I'll pour out my praise again
You're worthy
God You're worthy of all of it

Bridge 3

To the broken I'll witness it
To the hurting I'll witness it
To the lost I will witness it
And I'll tell them this
I'll tell them what I've witnessed

Bridge 4

To my family I'll witness it
To my city I'll witness it
To the nations I'll witness it
And I'll tell them this
I'll tell them what I've witnessed


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