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Sacred music matters, and since a young age it has mattered to Travis Ryan. For as long as he and his brothers can remember, it's marked their lives. Travis' father lead congregational worship at Churches throughout his childhood and the lessons learned have marked Travis' life.

Whether nature or nurture, a desire to help Church music become more than service filler was born. Starting in his teens when he led his peers and continuing through his college career and then his ministry at Saddleback Church, the edifying power of song became his passion.

To this end, he started writing music. Slowly but surely, like all songwriters, finding a voice; both sonically and lyrically. His first self-titled independent record was rough hewn, but what it lacked in maturity it made up for with desperation. It was these early recordings that assembled what would later become his band, production team, and most importantly, his surrogate family.

With his new record Fearless, released in mid 2012 on Integrity/Columbia, Travis turns his attention to a topic that weighs heavy on his heart. "Fear is humanities' common denominator," explains Ryan, "for some its health, family, financial or even crisis of faith; but we all face fear every day." "I wanted to write about something we can all identify with, and something that Christ spoke about often, but can easily get lost when we take our eyes off the path ahead, and divert our attention to these things." "...fear can so easily win, but it has been beaten!"

So in the fall of 2010, the cornerstones for the album that would became Fearless were laid. Travis started writing with some of his friends, mentors and heroes. "I was lucky enough to have relationships with such a great group of songwriters (M. Redman, B. Cantelon, B. Brown, J. Ingram, R. Fike, etc) that when it came time to start assembling material for my new album, I had an embarrassment of riches at my disposal. I had a good idea of how I wanted the album to flow and had the topics on which I wanted to write, but having access to a handful of great guys who understand the vision and want to help, thats invaluable."

With several dozen songs and Integrity's blessing, the production team (Ryan/Auer/Bailey/Collins) went about crafting the kind of sonic palette for the record that was strong, but supportive of the lyrics. The team operated by the mandate of assembling the most talented people they knew, getting them all in the same space, and letting music happen.

The resulting record is firm in it's feel and it's message. "I couldn't be more proud of this record. The hard work put into it has been rewarding, but more than that, the relationships that resulted have been irreplaceable. I hope that it helps people deal with the trials in their life and reminds them that their fears have been defeated; that we live in God's current and future victory."

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