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Wholehearted was birthed back in 2010 when God started stirring our hearts for the local church. We were seeing that we, as Christians, rarely lived the words that we were singing Sunday in and Sunday out. Our slogan "A generation of worshippers who live the songs they sing" became the inspiration for our first album called "Wholehearted".
We aim to write songs that are Christ centered and Biblically founded.

Our second album called "Fearless Love" was our cry to GO to the nations. Not to keep this good news that we've received to ourselves only. There is a transformation that happens when you come into contact with the Word and power of God. And that needs to be shared with the world.

Our latest release called "Sovereign God - LIVE" was really our response to the goodness, kindness and faithfulness of God. We've seen Him move mightily over the past 8 years, and we wanted to honour Him. None of what we do can be done without Him leading us and empowering us by His Spirit.

Music, specifically worship music and the writing thereof, for us is more than sounds and words strung together in a beautiful way. It's an opportunity for us to place decrees in the mouths of the church, that is founded on the truth of His word, and made alive in our hearts by His Spirit.

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