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Found A Love Por 7 Hills Worship

Found A Love

7 Hills Worship - Found A Love

V1Verse 1
V2Verse 2
PoPost Chorus
V3Verse 3
PoPost Chorus
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
PoPost Chorus
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Fulfillment God's Love Peace
Female Lead
Kaelob Mecum
7 Hills Worship
Referencia Bíblica:
Romans 8:37-39


Verse 1

I found a love
That would chase after me
In every heartache
There it would be
It fills every break
And each space in between
How it loves me

Verse 2

I found a love
That would love honestly
And never be far
From my hand when I need
It makes real the things
That once lived in my dreams
How You love me


How You fight for me
How You'll always be
The air that I breath
In everything
God You're all that I need

Post Chorus

I fall in to Your arms
And I find peace
I fall into the heart
That beats for me
And loves me so hopelessly

Verse 3

I found a love
That would make me believe
That beauty is found
Even in broken things
And every praise
Is a song I can sing
How You love me


How You fight for me
How You'll always be
The air that I breath
In everything
God You're all that I need

Post Chorus

I fall in to Your arms
And I find peace
I fall into the heart
That beats for me
And loves me so hopelessly

Bridge 1

When I was hopeless
Every time I was broken
In every word that was spoken
Jesus Your love was there

Bridge 2

And in the trials
You are the strength and provider
You were my friend in the fire
Jesus Your love was there

Bridge 1

When I was hopeless
Every time I was broken
In every word that was spoken
Jesus Your love was there

Bridge 2

And in the trials
You are the strength and provider
You were my friend in the fire
Jesus Your love was there

Bridge 1

When I was hopeless
Every time I was broken
In every word that was spoken
Jesus Your love was there

Bridge 2

And in the trials
You are the strength and provider
You were my friend in the fire
Jesus Your love was there


How You fight for me
How You'll always be
The air that I breath
In everything
God You're all that I need

Post Chorus

I fall in to Your arms
And I find peace
I fall into the heart
That beats for me
And loves me so hopelessly

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