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Love of a Savior - Wayne Klassik Remix Por Christian Nuckels

Love of a Savior - Wayne Klassik Remix

Christian Nuckels - Awaken Revival

V1Verse 1
V2Verse 2
C1Chorus 1
V3Verse 3
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V4Verse 4
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Crucifixion Love Savior
EDM Hip Hop Male Lead Pop Synths
Christian Nuckels, Gospel Lee
Savior Songs
Referencia Bíblica:
Mark 10:34
Isaiah 53:5
John 19
Mark 15


Verse 1

The earth grew dark
Shrouded in shadow
The King of Kings
Bloody and battered
A crown of thorns
A throne of timbers
Nailed to a cross
To make a way for us


Love became the darkness
When He became a part of us
To fully grasp His heart for us
He was beaten bruised and scarred for us
Scandal of grace
Is a mystery yet so intentional
How the King took my place
He went from royalty to criminal
Traded Your throne in heaven
For two planks nailed together
Lowered Yourself to death on a cross
So we'd live with You forever
I'll never understand it
Your plan's obscene and absurd
It's the grace of the Living Word
That I don't get what I deserve

Verse 2

For our forgiveness
You were broken
And for our sake
You were forsaken
They mocked Your name
You showed compassion
They do not know
Father forgive them

Chorus 1

Jesus Your life
Laid down for us
This is the love of a Savior
Your blood poured out
Upon that cross
This is the love of a Savior


Love paid the highest price
And You didn't think twice
Knew nothing else would suffice
Except for the blood of the Christ
And when You lost Your blood
That's when I found a new life
And the pain that You endured
Erased my sin struggle and strife
And while You struggled to breath
They insulted and they mocked You
Said You claimed to be the Son of God
But it looked like God forgot You
Above the disrespect said
God forgive them they don't know
When the Father turned His back said
Why'd You leave me where'd You go

Verse 3

The Word fulfilled
That day at Calvary
The Lamb of God
Was slain upon the tree
Into the Father's hands
You gave Your Spirit
Your dying breath
It is finished

Chorus 1

Jesus Your life
Laid down for us
This is the love of a Savior
Your blood poured out
Upon that cross
This is the love of a Savior

Chorus 2

Your body torn
By nails and thorns
This is the love of a Savior
Your blood poured out
Upon that cross
This is the love of a Savior


The sting of death was diminished
When Love uttered it is finished
Same three words that took us
From depleted to replenished
Very same words meant
You accomplished what You intended
Also the same words
That paved the way for repentance
You cried out with a loud shout
And then You breathed Your last
The ground began to rumble
Then the veil was torn in half
The whole earth blacked out
Satan thought he got the last laugh
Guess Satan wasn't counting
On Him dying and coming back


Satan's celebration would
Quickly turn into dismay
Fast forward seventy-two hours
When the stone was rolled away
Inside the tomb there's bandages
Where His body was laid
Redemption had been purchased
The receipt was an empty grave
The word was fulfilled
And Jesus settled the score
What the first Adam lost
The second Adam restored
We mourn what happened
But celebrate what happened later
Cause our freedom was secured
By the love of a Savior

Verse 4

The tomb was sealed
Your heartbeat silenced
Creation mourned
It is finished

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