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Christ You Stand Alone Por London Gatch

Christ You Stand Alone

London Gatch - New Stories

V1Verse 1
V2Verse 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V3Verse 3
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Almighty Exaltation God's Glory Holiness
Female Lead Strings
London Gatch, Lance Gatch, Jesse Reeves, Aaron Robertson, Alex Howard
BEC Recordings


Verse 1

What can we bring
To the living God
As an offering but a simple song

Verse 2

On bended knee
Calling out Your name
Over everything
We will seek Your face

Chorus 1

You are holy
There is no other so holy
You are the Lord God Almighty
High upon Your throne

Chorus 2

You are worthy
There is no other so worthy
Jesus in all of Your glory
Christ You stand alone

Verse 3

See the Lamb of God
Now the risen King
At Your feet we fall
With the angels sing

Chorus 1

You are holy
There is no other so holy
You are the Lord God Almighty
High upon Your throne

Chorus 2

You are worthy
There is no other so worthy
Jesus in all of Your glory
Christ You stand alone

Bridge 1

We will reach our hands to heaven
King of all Kings we worship and sing
Jesus You alone are worthy
Of majesty blessing and strength

Bridge 2

With the angels we cry
Holy Lamb that was slaign
Forever You reign
Let our praises roar like thunder
Shaking the ground heaven come down

Chorus 1

You are holy
There is no other so holy
You are the Lord God Almighty
High upon Your throne

Chorus 2

You are worthy
There is no other so worthy
Jesus in all of Your glory
Christ You stand alone

Chorus 1

You are holy
Jesus You're holy
You are so holy
Christ You stand alone

Chorus 2

You are worthy
Jesus You're worthy
Oh You are so worthy
Christ You stand alone

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