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I Choose to Worship (Radio Version) Por Rend Collective

I Choose to Worship (Radio Version)

Rend Collective - I Choose To Worship (Radio Version)

V1Verse 1
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V2Verse 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Declaration Surrender Worship
Male Lead
Chris Llewellyn, Gareth Gilkeson
Rend Family Records
Referencia Bíblica:
Psalm 63:3-8
Psalm 59:17
Psalm 71:23


Verse 1

I choose to worship
I choose to bow
Though there's pain
In the offering I lay it down
Here in the conflict
When doubt surrounds
Though my soul is unravelling
I choose You now

Chorus 1

I will praise You through the fire
Through the storm
And through the flood
There is nothing
That could ever steal my song

Chorus 2

In the valley You are worthy
You are good when life is not
You will always
And forever be my song

Verse 2

I build my altar right here and now
In the midst of the darkest night
It won't burn out
For You are perfect no matter what
In the joy or the suffering
I sing it loud

Chorus 1

I will praise You through the fire
Through the storm
And through the flood
There is nothing
That could ever steal my song

Chorus 2

In the valley You are worthy
You are good when life is not
You will always
And forever be my song


When the enemy says I'm done
I lift my praises
When my world
Comes crashing down
I lift my praises high
Till the darkness turns to dawn
I lift my praises
I choose to worship
I choose You now

Chorus 1

I will praise You through the fire
Through the storm
And through the flood
There is nothing
That could ever steal my song

Chorus 2

In the valley You are worthy
You are good when life is not
You will always
And forever be my song


When the enemy says I'm done
I lift my praises
When my world
Comes crashing down
I lift my praises high
Till the darkness turns to dawn
I lift my praises
I choose to worship
I choose You now
I choose You now

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