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The Alisa Turner Story
The Alisa Turner Story
Not Even Now
Not Even Now


“While other worldviews lead us to sit in the midst of life’s joys, foreseeing the coming sorrows, Christianity empowers its people to sit in the midst of this world’s sorrows, tasting the coming joy.” –Tim Keller, Walking With God Through Pain and Suffering.

Worship artist Alisa Turner sings with passion and vulnerability. Her songs capture something almost mystical, yet deeply rooted in the hard stuff of the “now and not yet” grit of the everyday. It’s the lilt and innocence in her voice and the heartbreaking, but hopeful truth of her story.

That story is inextricably woven throughout her self-titled EP (Integrity Music) in a tapestry of grief, suffering, hope and redemption for which there is only one appropriate response: unfettered, unfiltered worship.

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