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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
No need to be alarmedBy the rising tideWe are safe from harmWe are sanctified
Verso 2
By a love that knowsNo boundary linesWhether east or westYou're not hard to find
Pre Coro
Every nation under the sunIs taking partIn Your resurrection
Hey we're all on fireAll our days will burnMuch brighterIn the light of Your face
Verso 3
We're moving forwardLike the hands of timeCarried by our fathersNo one will be left behind
Verso 4
We've got a hungerOnly to be satisfiedBy Your wondersBy Your miracles and signs
Hey we're all on fireAll our days will burnMuch brighter in this cityWe're all on fire withA love that wakes the deadWe burn much brighterIn the light of Your face
Oh every nation under the sunIs taking partIn Your resurrection
Every tribe and every tongueIs taking part in Your resurrection
HeyYes we shineIn the light of Your faceWe shineIn the light of Your face
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