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Mezclas creadas a partir de la grabación original. Disponibles en {0} tonos con mezclas Aumentadas y Disminuidas para cada parte más la canción original. Conoce más
Verso 1
Some say they’re nothing but numbersNext to words that don’t mean anythingOh but I found the truthAnd a friend like no otherThe moment I read three sixteen
Verso 2
Some say it’s old time religionFor the led astray fools who believeOh but I found the hopeThat my lost soul was missingThe moment I read three sixteen
For God so loved how can it beThat He sent His Son to die for meMy shame is gone my sin washed cleanAnd I owe it all to three sixteen
Verso 3
Some say you have to be perfectCause nothing in this life is freeOh but I found a graceI know I don’t deserveThe moment I read three sixteen
Verso 4
So lay down your burdens your brokenLift up your eyes and seeA Savior with arms stretched wide openOn a cross meant for you and for meOh thank God for three sixteen
And I owe it all to three sixteen
Oh thank God three sixteen
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