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Verse 1
He is the glory of the starsHe is the lover of the human heartThe universe is in His handsNext to Him none will stand
Behold our God in all His majestyBehold our GodAuthor of mysteryBehold our GodHe is a Father and our FriendFaithful to the endBehold Him
Verse 2
His love is wider than the seaGoes on foreverThrough eternityWashed on His shoreWe're grains of sandNext to Him none will stand
Behold our God in all His majestyBehold our GodAuthor of mysteryBehold our GodHe is a Father and our FriendFaithful to the end
Behold our KingFall down in wonderAnd behold our KingThere is no other He is everythingHe is the life and light of manBeginning and the end
Glorious gloriousEverything about YouEverything about You is
Glorious gloriousCome and see all of His beauty
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