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It Could Only Be Jesus Por Bridge Worship

It Could Only Be Jesus

Bridge Worship - Stacking Stones

V1Verse 1
PcPre Chorus
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V2Verse 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
PcPre Chorus
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Female Lead
Taylor Agan, Noel Wright, James Tealy, George Mhondera
Bridge Worship


Verse 1

I’m feeling changed
Something is different
I’ve been so numb
But I feel it shifting
I’m finding faith
A reason for living
It could only be Jesus

Pre Chorus

I was lost now I’m found
Filled with hope
That never runs out

Chorus 1

Wonder of wonders Jesus Jesus
Beautiful Savior Healer redeemer
Wish I could explain it
How my heart is changing

Chorus 2

Wonder of wonders Jesus Jesus
Miracle worker
I’ll praise Him forever
Wish I could explain it
How my life is changing
It could only be Jesus

Verse 2

Used to feel shame
The weight was so heavy
Lost in my pain
But that’s where He met me
I’m finding peace
Walking in freedom
It could only be Jesus

Chorus 1

Wonder of wonders Jesus Jesus
Beautiful Savior Healer redeemer
Wish I could explain it
How my heart is changing

Chorus 2

Wonder of wonders Jesus Jesus
Miracle worker
I’ll praise Him forever
Wish I could explain it
How my life is changing
It could only be Jesus


It could only be
It could only be Jesus

Bridge 1

Who has been there from the start
Who's the light that breaks the dark
It could only be Jesus
Who is strong enough to save
Who has power in His name
It could only be Jesus

Bridge 2

Who has paid the highest cost
Who has claimed back what we lost
It could only be Jesus
Who commands the wind and rain
Calls the dead to life again
It can only be Jesus

Pre Chorus

I was lost now I’m found
Filled with hope
That never runs out

Chorus 1

Wonder of wonders Jesus Jesus
Beautiful Savior Healer redeemer
Wish I could explain it
How my heart is changing

Chorus 2

Wonder of wonders Jesus Jesus
Miracle worker
I’ll praise Him forever
Wish I could explain it
How my life is changing
It could only be Jesus


Wish I could explain it
How my life is changing
It could only be Jesus
It's only You Jesus

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  • Esta pista no incluye BGV
  • Tres tonos incluidos

Este tema se grabó en vivo y es posible que la voz principal se escuche en los tracks instrumentales, por lo que es posible que oigas ligeramente la voz principal en algunos instrumentos.

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