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℗ 2023 Bridge Worship
Verse 1
I’m feeling changedSomething is differentI’ve been so numbBut I feel it shiftingI’m finding faithA reason for livingIt could only be Jesus
Pre Chorus
I was lost now I’m foundFilled with hopeThat never runs out
Chorus 1
Wonder of wonders Jesus JesusBeautiful Savior Healer redeemerWish I could explain itHow my heart is changing
Chorus 2
Wonder of wonders Jesus JesusMiracle workerI’ll praise Him foreverWish I could explain itHow my life is changingIt could only be Jesus
Verse 2
Used to feel shameThe weight was so heavyLost in my painBut that’s where He met meI’m finding peaceWalking in freedomIt could only be Jesus
It could only beIt could only be Jesus
Bridge 1
Who has been there from the startWho's the light that breaks the darkIt could only be JesusWho is strong enough to saveWho has power in His nameIt could only be Jesus
Bridge 2
Who has paid the highest costWho has claimed back what we lostIt could only be JesusWho commands the wind and rainCalls the dead to life againIt can only be Jesus
Wish I could explain itHow my life is changingIt could only be JesusIt's only You Jesus
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