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You Were There Por CRC Music

You Were There

CRC Music - Heaven On Earth

V1Verse 1
V2Verse 2
V3Verse 3
V4Verse 4
V5Verse 5
V6Verse 6
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Celebrate Celebration Exaltation Faith Faithfulness God's Love Goodness Worship
Male Lead Piano-Driven Pop Rock Strings
BF Nel, Dirk Swart, Claire Goodwill, Merldy Berry, Laetita Kotze
CRC Music Int.
Referencia Bíblica:
Joshua 1:5
Psalm 23:4


Verse 1

You were there
When my heart was stranded
Far away from home
When my scars ran deep
And I was all alone
When I filled this void with things
That took my soul

Verse 2

You were there
When darkness took
A hold of my heart
When fear gripped my soul
And tore it apart
When life became too much
And felt too hard

Verse 3

You were there
Searching never giving up on me
Knocking at my heart relentlessly
Saying I am here
Here to set you free


And I’ll sing of all Your goodness
I’ll sing of all You’ve done
There’s no way
I would have made it
If it wasn’t for Your love
When I find myself surrounded
I’ll praise You without fear
Cause I know that You are here

Verse 4

You were there
Standing in the fire next to me
When there was no way out
You split the sea
When a giant thought
He had the victory

Verse 5

You were there
You opened up my eyes so I could see
When You spoke peace to calm
The storm in me
When You sacrificed Your son
To set me free


And I’ll sing of all Your goodness
I’ll sing of all You’ve done
There’s no way
I would have made it
If it wasn’t for Your love
When I find myself surrounded
I’ll praise You without fear
Cause I know that You are here


Even when my world
Comes crashing down
Even when I stand
On shaky ground
I will trust You
I will trust You
As I lift my hands
As I give You praise
I'm covered by amazing grace
I will trust You
I will trust You


I will trust You
I will trust You
I will trust You

Verse 6

You are there
Your presence all around us
You are here
Your perfect love
Casts out all our fears
And Your comfort floods our hearts
When You draw near


And I’ll sing of all Your goodness
I’ll sing of all You’ve done
There’s no way
I would have made it
If it wasn’t for Your love
When I find myself surrounded
I’ll praise You without fear
Cause I know that You are here


When I find myself surrounded
I’ll praise You without fear
Cause I know that You are here

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