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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
There’s only one voiceThat brings dead things to lifeOnly one power to saveChrist has redeemed usAnd healed our diseasesHallelujah victory
Verso 2
Conquering KingHe purchased our freedomTriumphing on the crossWith nail pierced handsHe plucked us from darknessHallelujah we have been found
All of our Praise is YoursAll of our worshipThere’s only oneDeserving of praiseAll of our livesBowed down in surrenderThere’s only oneFound worthy of praise
Verso 3
The heart of the FatherHurting and brokenAs death brought His sonTo that graveIn silence the light dawnedHope of redemptionHallelujah death’s not the end
Verso 4
The wounds in His sideTore the veil from our eyesHe is our King and our PriestHis voice in the darknessShouted forgivenessHallelujah it is finished
When sin tried to slay meMercy saved meAll of my life I oweTo the One who was raisedHigh on a hillAll of my love I owe
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