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The Promise Is The Same Por Cory Asbury

The Promise Is The Same

Cory Asbury - Pioneer

V1Verso 1
V2Verso 2
V3Verso 3
Grabación Original

Mezclas creadas a partir de la grabación original. Disponibles en {0} tonos con mezclas Aumentadas y Disminuidas para cada parte más la canción original.
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Verso 1

They might say I’m a sinner
If I don’t sing hallelujah
That I’ll be forgotten
If every song I sing’s not to ya
But I find peace and holy ground
In a little farm house
In a noname town
Where we say our prayers each night

Verso 2

Maybe I’m a dreamer
I still get high on hoping
I might close my eyes sometimes
But I keep my hands wide open
I question every word I choose
But the answers all come back to You
I’m just tryin’ to get it right


If I got asked to preach on Sunday
What would my sermon be
You’re not hard of hearing
And You’re tired of I’m sorry
Forgive me for the countless ways
I’ve tried to climb to grace
I’m singin’ it all different now
But the promise is the same

Verso 3

After all I’m human
Just skin and bones and pain
Still praying for a melody
To play out on these six strings
I wonder if I’m good enough
And if I’ll ever measure up
But I’m tryin to get it right


If I got asked to preach on Sunday
What would my sermon be
You’re not hard of hearing
And You’re tired of I’m sorry
Forgive me for the countless ways
I’ve tried to climb to grace
I’m singin’ it all different now
But the promise is the same


Yeah the promise is the same
And It’s right there in my children’s eyes
The truth my wandering tried
Like hell to hide


If I got asked to preach on Sunday
What would my sermon be
You’re not hard of hearing
And You’re tired of I’m sorry
So forgive me for the countless ways
I’ve tried to climb to grace
I’m singin’ it all different now


I pray they understand somehow
But the promise is the same


Yeah the promise is the same
Yeah the promise is the same


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