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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
Honor the LordYou heavenly beingsHis glory fills the heavensHis glory covers the Earth
Verso 2
Worship the LordIn His infinite splendorHis voice is loud as the thunderHis voice a powerful song
Pre Coro
Be unto our GodGlory and powerUpon the Earth
Ruler of the ageHis kingdom reignsForevermore
Verso 3
His voice has shattered my coreI am brokenRuined for anything otherThan being consumed by His love
Verso 4
His voice has twistedThe oaks and the forestIs laid bare before HimMajestic powerful merciful One
Glory gloryGlory to our God
His voice has whisperedAnd I am undoneWith oil in my lampTowards Him I runHe breathes over meAnd I know that I come alive
He sings over meWith His words of delightAnd I will rejoiceIn the darkness of nightAwakened am I to the voiceOf His great love
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