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℗ Gateway Music, exclusively distributed by Integrated Music Rights
Verse 1
Behold Him nowThe King has entered inBehold Him nowThe weight of glory here
Pre Chorus 1
As He arrives in victoryOpen your eyes to majestyBehold Him nowBehold Him now
Chorus 1
King of HeavenWe bow in reverenceAs the train of Your robeFills this templeAs the train of Your robeFills this temple
Verse 2
Behold Him nowThe elders gather 'roundWe join them nowLaying down our earthly crowns
Pre Chorus 2
'Cause H? is enthroned in victoryWe open our hearts up to receive
Chorus 2
With adorationWe're pouring out our praisesAs the train of Your robeFill this templeAs the train of Your robeFill this temple
Bridge 1
Holy holy holy
Bridge 2
Worthy worthy worthy
Let the train of Your robeFills this temple
Let the train of Your robeFills this temple God
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