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Why Not Now Por Influence Music

Why Not Now

Influence Music - Touching Heaven - Acoustic EP

V1Verse 1
PcPre Chorus
V2Verse 2
PcPre Chorus
B1Bridge 1
B1Bridge 1
B2Bridge 2
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Healing Jesus Miracles
Acoustic Duet
Melody Hernandez, Matt Gilman, Michael Barkulis, Jordan Sarmiento, Graham Moore
Influence Music
Referencia Bíblica:
Mark 5:34


Verse 1

I heard You made the wine from water
You raised the dead
To life with a simple word
They marvelled at
Your signs Your wonders
They thought that You had died
But You saved the world

Pre Chorus

Your Spirit fell like fire
So like a fire come and fall again


'Cause You know my body's broken
You know my eyes can't see
You know I'm looking for a miracle
So why not here why not me
Even when it all seems hopeless
Even though we don't know how
Lord we're believing for a miracle
So why not here why not now

Verse 2

You called a sinful man to walk on water
You calmed the wind and waves
With just Your hand
You've shown the orphan
There's a Father
Your love is better than I'll understand

Pre Chorus

I don't have to wait till I see You
'Cause I know my faith
Can bring the heavens down


'Cause You know my body's broken
You know my eyes can't see
You know I'm looking for a miracle
So why not here why not me
Even when it all seems hopeless
Even though we don't know how
Lord we're believing for a miracle
So why not here why not now

Bridge 1

I wanna see the mute start talking
To see the lame start walking
Walking through the darkest night
Shouting out 'cause You bring the light
I wanna see
The closed doors open
I want to see the left out chosen
Chosen from the start of time
'Bout time You let faith arise

Bridge 2

So let faith arise
Let faith arise
Let faith arise
Let faith arise
Let faith arise
Let faith arise
Let faith arise


'Cause You know my body's broken
You know my eyes can't see
You know I'm looking for a miracle
So why not here why not me
Even when it all seems hopeless
Even though we don't know how
Lord we're believing for a miracle
So why not here why not now

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  • Tres tonos incluidos
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