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Deeper Waters Por Jeremy Camp

Deeper Waters

Jeremy Camp - Deeper Waters

C1Chorus 1
V1Verse 1
PcPre Chorus
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V2Verse 2
PcPre Chorus
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
Grabación Original

Información de Canción

Faith Life Revival
Contemporary Male Lead
Jeremy Camp, Jordan Sapp, Emily Weisband
Sparrow Records


Chorus 1

Take me down to the deeper waters
Gather ‘round all Your sons and daughters
Put that life into our dry bones

Verse 1

World’s got a way of catching Your eye
Full of fake promise good at bad lies
Pushing and pulling every part of my heart
Spent all my days outrunning the dark

Pre Chorus

Don’t wanna get lost in the shadow
Don’t wanna be caught
There standing in the shallow

Chorus 1

Take me down to the deeper waters
Gather ‘round all Your sons and daughters
Put that life into our dry bones

Chorus 2

Take me down to the deeper waters
Show me how a good faith gets stronger
Refine me with fire
Til the fire it catches my soul

Verse 2

Take me to the place
Where sweeter things grow
Where once I’m there
I’ll never be the same
Where nothing else matters
And where I can let go
Cause all I hear
Is You calling my name

Pre Chorus

Don’t wanna get lost in the shadow
Don’t wanna be caught
There standing in the shallow

Chorus 1

Take me down to the deeper waters
Gather ‘round all Your sons and daughters
Put that life into our dry bones

Chorus 2

Take me down to the deeper waters
Show me how a good faith gets stronger
Refine me with fire
Til the fire it catches my soul


Down Down
Down Down

Chorus 1

Take me down to the deeper waters
Gather ‘round all Your sons and daughters
Put that life into our dry bones


Take me down to the deeper waters
Show me how a good faith gets stronger
Refine me with fire
Til the fire it catches my soul


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  • Descarga M4A
  • Grabación original masterizada
  • Este track no incluye BGVs
  • Incluye tres teclas
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