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Our God is a consuming fireA burning holy flameWith glory and freedomOur God is the only righteous judgeRuling over usWith kindness and wisdom
Pre Chorus
We will keep our eyes on YouWe will keep our eyes on You
A mighty fortress is our GodA sacred refuge is Your NameYour Kingdom is unshakableWith You forever we will reign
Our God is jealous for His ownNone could comprehendHis love and His mercyOur God is exalted on His throneHigh above the heavensForever He's worthy
We will keep our eyes on YouWe will keep our eyes on YouSo we can set our hearts on YouLord we will set our hearts on You
With You forever we will reign
Our God is a consuming fireA burning holy FlameWith glory and freedom
We will keep our eyes on YouWe will keep our eyes on YouSo we can set our heart YouLord we will set our hearts on You
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