Pero quiere estar lleno. Llena lo con MultiTracks, CustomMixes®, RehearsalMixes y más.
Verse 1
I will stay here for a little whileUntil I look like the one I beholdI will pour out my vialUntil all of me is on the floor
Pre Chorus
And at Your feet I will singAt Your feet I will sing
Your name is sweet like honeyYour voice it sounds like the watersYour eyes are full of fireFairer than the sons of manYour name is pure and holyFor You alone are worthyThere is none beside YouLord of Lords and King of Kings
Verse 2
I will stay here for a little whileUntil I look like the one I beholdI will pour out my vileUntil all of me is on the floor
I give You all my worshipI give You all my worshipI give You all my worshipFor You alone are GodI give You all my worshipI give You all my worshipI give You all my worshipFor You alone are God
Verse 3
I will stay here for a little whileUntil I look like the one I behold
I will pour out my vileUntil all of me is on the floor
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