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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
Who else would rocksCry out to worshipWhose glory taughtThe stars to shinePerhaps creation longsTo have the words to singBut this joy is mine
With a thousand hallelujahsWe magnify Your NameYou alone deserve the gloryThe honor and the praiseLord Jesus this songIs forever YoursA thousand hallelujahsA thousand more
Verso 2
Who else would dieFor our redemptionWhose resurrectionMeans I'll riseThere isn't time enoughTo sing of all You've doneBut I have eternity to try
Puente 1
Praise to the LordTo the LambTo the King of HeavenPraise for He roseNow He reignsWe will sing forever
A thousand hallelujahsA thousand more
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