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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
One of these morningsI'm gonna kissThis world goodbyeOne of these morningsI'm gonna leaveIt all behind
Pre Coro 1
When I quit this heartacheAnd shed this skinI'll be more alive thanI've ever been
When I spread these wingsAnd flyI'm gonna soar acrossThe skyGonna spread these wingsAnd fly
Verso 2
One of these morningsI'll see the One my heartLongs forStanding beside HimThe faithful onesWho've gone before
Pre Coro 2
And then all my questionsAnd all my griefWill be swallowedUp in victory
When I spread these wingsAnd flyI'm gonna soar acrossThe skyGonna spread these wingsWhen I spread these wings
Every tear will be wiped awayWhen I look into Jesus' faceUntil then help me run this raceWith every heartbeat of every day
Verso 3
One of these morningsI'm going to stare right at the SonOne of these morningsI'll breathe brand new airWith brand new lungs
Pre Coro 3
And there'll be no more sorrowOn golden streetsWe'll lay every crownDown at His feet
Then I'll spread these wingsAnd flyI'm gonna soar across the sky
When I spread these wingsAnd flyI'm gonna soar across the skyWhen I spread these wings
No more heartacheAnd no more painThere'll be no more sorrow
When I spread these wingsAnd fly
I'm gonna spread these wingsAnd fly
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