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Mezclas creadas a partir de la grabación original. Disponibles en {0} tonos con mezclas Aumentadas y Disminuidas para cada parte más la canción original. Conoce más
Verso 1
The pain is for a reasonThat's what they say but is it trueThey tell me it's a seasonBut they don't knowWhat I've been throughUntil I stopped the bleedingThe words are salt inside my woundI haven't stopped believingIt's just really hard to see it
Pre Coro
Wish I could talk to my future selfWhat would I say'Cause I need some help
Don't be afraidJust get through todayThe maker of Heaven and EarthIs making a wayTake a deep breathAnd take the next stepOh this is not how it endsThis isn't forever
Post C
Hold on it getsBetter better better betterHold on it getsBetter better better better
Verso 2
It's hard to see the sunriseIn the middle of the midnight hourYou gotta wait sometimesTill the world spins back aroundI promise you it's shiningOh you just can't see it nowKeep watching the horizonJust open up your eyes and
It's only a matter of timeTill Heaven splits open the skyIt gets better gets better gets betterThe dark will burn up the lightThe very last tear will be criedIt gets better gets better gets better
Don't be afraidJust get through todayThe maker of Heaven and EarthIs making a wayTake a deep breathHe's not finished yetOh this is not how it endsThis isn't forever
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