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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
I’ve given You a thousand reasonsTo turn awayI’ve given you a thousand reasonsTo hide Your faceBut Your blood speaks a better wordYour blood speaks a better word
When I see Your crossAnd when I touch Your scarsShame is falling offMercy has won
Verso 2
There is not a fault or failureThat could take awayThe heart of God poured out like waterTo wash awayYour blood speaks a better wordYour blood speaks a better word
When I see Your crossWhen I touch Your scarsShame is falling offMercy has won
Puente 1
Let me ever be in awe of the costLet me revel in the wonder of the crossWho am I without the broken Jesus ChristWho am I without the One who raised to life
Puente 2
So let me tremble all my days in gratefulnessLet my soul in this forever find its restYou have made the way for all to know Your loveUnited by the power of Your blood
When I see Your crossAnd when I tuch Your scarsShame is falling offMercy has won
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