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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
℗ 2010 Bethel Music
Verse 1
All creatures of our God and KingLift up your voice and with us singAlleluia alleluia
Verse 2
Thou burning sun with golden beamThou silver moon with softer gleamO praise Him O praise HimAlleluia alleluia alleluia
Verse 3
Thou rushing wind that art so strongYe clouds that sail in heav’n alongO praise Him alleluia
Verse 4
Thou rising moon in praise rejoiceYe lights of evening find a voiceO praise Him O praise HimAlleluia alleluia alleluia
Verse 5
Let all things their Creator blessAnd worship Him in humblenessO praise Him alleluia
Verse 6
Praise praise the FatherPraise the SonAnd praise the Spirit Three in OneO praise Him O praise HimAlleluia alleluiaAllelu alleluia
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