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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
When the fear comesLike a siege against my heartWhen I fight onThough my confidence is lost
Pre Coro
Spirit raise me upLike the rising of the sunTo the mountainOf Jesus Christ’s unfailing love
Verso 2
When the darknessSays I’m worthless and aloneHoly Spirit You remind meOf the One
Who in fearless strengthPaid it all upon the crossBy His reckless graceI am reconciled to God
Let your light shatter the darknessJesus Christ shine through my weaknessAll my fear bows to Your splendorIn glorious surrenderAs Your grace conquers the tempestI find strength here in Your presenceAll I am runs to Your splendorIn glorious surrender
Verso 3
In the battleThough I’m pressed on every sideI will stand tallFor the Lord is on my side
I can overcomeConquer anything with ChristFor I once was deadNow in Jesus I’m alive
When I walk through the valleyOh I will not fearFor I know You are with meLord I know You’re here
When I walk through the fireOh I won’t be burnedI will rise from the trialLord in Your great love
Let Your light shatter the darknessJesus Christ shine through my weaknessAll my fear bows to Your splendorIn glorious surrender
As Your grace conquers the tempestI find strength here in Your presenceAll I am runs to Your splendorIn glorious surrender
Let Your light shatter the darknessJesus Christ shine through my weaknessAll my fear bows to Your splendorIn glorious surrenderAs Your grace conquers the tempestI find strength here in Your presenceAll I am runs to Your splendorIn glorious surrender
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