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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
Here we are open armsEvery heart overcomeBy Your love and freedomHere we standLifted hands unto the King
Verso 2
Every day giving thanksBringing our everythingTo the One deservingAll the praise that our heartsCould ever sing
Oh You are amazing GodThe Everlasting OneYou are the Risen KingOh You are the Sovereign GodYou reign victoriousYou are the Risen KingLet all creation sing
We lift Your name on highYour glory fills the sky foreverWe live to sing Your praiseGlorious One You reign forever
We lift Your name on highYour glory fills the skyWe lift Your name on high foreverWe live to sing Your praiseGlorious One You reignWe live to sing Your praise forever
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