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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Hear the whisper from afarAn echo in the darkFeel it rising in your heart
Verso 1
Hear the whisper from afarAn echo in the darkFeel it rising in your heartSomething extraordinaryIs about to take placeTruth is spreading like a fire
Verso 2
From all corners of the earthYou are calling us outBearing witness to Your powerFrom the north to the southFrom the east to the westYou are roaring like a lion
Whoa whoaJesus You have overcomeWhoa whoaI can see Your kingdom come
Whoa whoaJesus You have overcomeWhoa whoaOn a cross the battle's won
Verso 3
Verso 4
All my chains broken openAll my fear blown to piecesYou will reign ever glorious
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