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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
Can you feel down in your bonesPower begin to riseCounted outBut we ain't no moreRight now this is our time
Pre Coro
Hear the chorus start to growDeep in your soulSound of the breaking chainsLike an anthem ringing outEverybody nowLet me hear the people sing
We're all freeRising upWe got our feet off the groundAll freeNothing takingNothing holding us downLift up your handsBreathe it inBreathe it outHim and her you and meWe're all freeEverybodyEverybody freeAll freeEverybodyEverybody free
Verso 2
When the sky gets darkAnd the rain rolls inStorm warningLoud and strongWe won't fearNo we won't back downOur feet keep marching on
Every heart that's beatingUndefeatedLet me hearYou clap your handsEvery son and daughterSing it strongerLet me hearYou clap your hands
We're all freeRising upWe got our feet off the groundAll freeNothing takingNothing holding us downLift up your handsBreathe it inBreathe it outHim and her you and meWe're all freeEverybodyEverybody freeAll freeEverybodyEverybody freeWe're all freeEverybodyEverybody freeAll freeEverybodyEverybody free
All freeEverybodyEverybody freeEverybodyEverybody free
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