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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
I have tasted and seenMoments of majestyWhere I felt all the wonder of a child
Verso 2
I have sung melodies older than galaxiesFound Your joy inThe tears that I have cried
Still I haven't seen the endWill You meet me here again
Open the floodgates of HeavenPour out Your glory fill this placeGod let the weight of Your presenceLeave me in wonder once againOpen the floodgates
Verso 3
There is more to be seenDreams that haven't been dreamedThat You whisper the moment that I kneel
Verso 4
There are mysteries unknownIn the glimpses You've shownRevelations the Heavens will reveal
Open the floodgates of HeavenPour out Your glory fill this placeGod let the weight of Your presenceLeave me in wonder once again
Open the floodgates
Still I haven't seen the endWill You meet me here againTill I'm in over my headWill You meet me here again
Open the floodgates of HeavenPour out Your glory fill this place
God let the weight of Your presenceLeave me in wonder once again
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