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Los tracks de esta canción proceden de la Grabación Maestra Original.
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Verso 1
The weight of the promiseHeld in Your heartMy sinful condition kept us apartIn the Garden of GethsemaneWhere mercy met Your majesty
Verso 2
The call of redemptionFather to SonWith tears of deep sorrowYour will be doneIn the Garden of GethsemaneWhere mercy met Your majesty
All for love all for lovePerfect Savior in holy surrenderAll for love all for loveAs darkness descendedYou never relented
Verso 3
As You gave Your SpiritGrace now completeYour wounds now our healingYour pain now our peaceOn the holy cross of CalvaryMy failure met eternity eternity
All for love all for loveYou were forsaken my heart awakenedIt is finished death undoneNow forever praise the Son
There is no greater name than thisNo greater name than thisOh the name of JesusThere is no higher love than thisNo higher love than thisOh the love of Jesus
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